
Telefon: 02761 9426170



Unsere Öffnungszeiten richten sich nach den Bedürfnissen der Eltern. Zur Zeit ist der Kindergarten von 7.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet.

Kindergärten in der GFO

Kindergärten bilden eine wichtige Säule der GFO in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Die GFO hat ihr Angebot deshalb in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich ausgebaut. Hier finden Sie alle Kindergärten im GFO-Verbund.

Alle GFO-Kindergärten

Deine Karriere bei der GFO - in einem Kindergarten oder einer anderen Einrichtung im GFO-Verbund.

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Our Kindergarten

Our Kindergarten

Our Kindergarten

Space and time for development

Our kindergarten at Trift 46 in Olpe opened on January 1, 2021. We care for, accompany and educate children aged one to six years. We have one U3 group with 12 children and two Ü3 groups with 20 children. The group names "Krabbelkäfer" (crawling beetles), "Rennschnecken" (racing snails) and "Klettermäuse" (climbing mice) speak for the activities and life in the facility.

Our Maria-Theresia daycare center in Olpe is located in an industrial area, where the children find the view of neighboring companies with their trucks or rescue vehicles particularly exciting. The kiss-and-ride parking zone in front of the front door makes it safe for the children and parents to get in and out of the car. The outdoor area towards the village environment is equipped with many play facilities.

In our service app we also offer you a lot of current and interesting information.

Our kindergarten Maria-Theresia belongs to the association of the GFO. We are a Franciscan and cosmopolitan association. Children of all denominations are welcome here. For our GFO kindergartens, there is a common framework concept and binding guiding principles across all locations.

Our Kindergarten

Insight into our kindergarten