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Unsere Öffnungszeiten richten sich nach den Bedürfnissen der Eltern. Zur Zeit ist der Kindergarten von 7.30 Uhr bis 16.30 Uhr geöffnet.

Kindergärten in der GFO

Kindergärten bilden eine wichtige Säule der GFO in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Die GFO hat ihr Angebot deshalb in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich ausgebaut. Hier finden Sie alle Kindergärten im GFO-Verbund.

Alle GFO-Kindergärten

Deine Karriere bei der GFO - in einem Kindergarten oder einer anderen Einrichtung im GFO-Verbund.

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Movement offers in our daycare center

All children are born with the desire and need to move. Through a variety of experiences, we give all children the opportunity to gather their own physical, natural and boundary experiences with their personal energy.

"It is not the child who should adapt to the environment, but we should adapt the environment to the child." (Maria Montessori)

With curiosity and a love of discovery, every child perceives and gets to know its environment and its body. In order to act out their urge to move and to test their bodies, we offer them many opportunities with different movement possibilities in everyday life. In addition, we offer activities in which various skills such as gross motor skills, fine motor skills, balance, concentration, perception, reaction, endurance, coordination and dexterity are strengthened.

Each group goes to the movement room at least once a week. There, the children can let off steam and expand their skills through guided activities. A movement construction site is set up, they try out new materials and everyday materials, swing with the swing cloth, dance, climb or relax.

A ball pool is available to the children in the hallway. We also offer them "Emmi Pickler Elements" to crawl and climb on. They can also use bobbycars and running bikes.

The group rooms are individually designed according to the needs of the children. For example, there is a slide to slide down or a cave to take a break. Various movement materials such as stacking stones, tactile discs or different pedestals allow the children to choose their movement freely and strengthen their motor skills, movement sequences and social skills. Movement in the fresh air is important. The outdoor area is very spacious and offers many suggestions to move. Because of the different levels of the playground, it is a challenge for the children to get from one piece of playground equipment to another. In this way, they expand their motor skills.

Focal points in our kindergarten